Sunday, March 9, 2008

A bird, a plane, a Bug (bloggy 4)

The short story that I feel is the most complex is Metamorphosis. The story is fairly long for a short story which means there is more to analyze. Also the fact that it was translated from German inherently loses some of it's meaning. The part that is resistant to interpretation for me, is Gregor's mentality, I think it's interesting and unexpected but I don't know why he is like that. The physical change into a bug is deceptively simple. He was a human and then presto chango, now he's a bug. But did Gregor really change or is he now what he always was... The title could be an emphases of the change into a Bug, or it could mean the metamorphosis of peoples interactions with him, or the fact that he didn't change at all, you are what you do.

1 comment:

Chipmonkey said...

Oh em gee-- a blog comment. The first of its kind